COBOLworx Blog

    Latest Posts

  1. Another gdb-cbl User

    An email that made us happy

    @The COBOLworkers in
  2. Article, Mainframes - Excellent opportunities for Linux Admins

    Pitch to Linux Admins but a nice endorsement of Mainframe and COBOL.

    @The LDAPGuys in
  3. A couple of Recent COBOL Articles

    Jim's announcement continues to stir up or show up in the ongoing chatter about COBOL in the 2020s.

    @Marty in
  4. Jim's gcobol Announcement

    Jim sent an announcement to the Gcc mailing last month. It got a couple of mentions in the Open Source Web-space. Not exactly silence but only a beginning.

    gcobol works. Stay tuned in. Work on getting gcobol to pass the basic CVVS-85 (NIST) COBOL test suite is going well. Jim …

    @Marty in
  5. Great Day for GnuCOBOL

    GnuCOBOL 3.1.1 Was Released Yesterday!

    @Jim Lowden in

1 ~ 2 (:~