Packages for the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)

Anybody interested in this page is undoubtedly aware that the relationship between Red Hat and Centos is in a bit of turmoil as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 reaches the end of its life, and as the development path from Centos to Red Hat continues to evolve.

As we here at Symas attempt to sort that out, we are still providing packages built on Centos7 and Centos8 systems.

Users interested in these packages should contact and let us know so that we can adjust our priorities.

Available packages for GnuCOBOL-3.2

There are two packages for each system. The first is for the GnuCOBOL compiler. The second is for the CBL-GDB debugging extensions to that compiler.

Red Hat 8 / Centos8

Built and packaged on a 64-bit Centos8 system, these packages are known to install properly on Red Hat 8. The CBL-GDB extensions utilize Python3, which is standard in an RHEL8/Centos8 installation.

Red Hat 7 / Centos7

Built and packaged on a 64-bit Centos7 system, these packages are known to install properly on Red Hat 7. The CBL-GDB extensions utilize Python2, which is standard in an RHEL7/Centos7 installation.

Note: The cobcd script specifies #!/usr/bin/python3. The script itself is compatible with both python3 and python2, so users on systems that have only python2 installed should edit that line to #!/usr/bin/python3.


These packages can be downloaded to your system and installed from the downloaded file with sudo yum install *filename*.


The GnuCOBOL User’s Guide explains the normal use of cobc and the libraries.

The COBOLworx walkthrough of the debugging package explains the use of the CBL-GDB debugging extensions.