COBOLworx Blog

    Category: COBOLworx

  1. Our First Ticket!

    We got a trouble report about the GnuCOBOL Debugging Extensions!

    @COBOLworx Team in
  2. We’re Changing Our Name!

    Camelian.Systems is a great name but it does not tell a story about what we do. So we stumbled on a better one and changed it!

    @COBOLworx Team in
  3. Git Repository for

    We stood up a GitLab Server to host our repositories.

    @COBOLworx Team in
  4. New Look for the Site

    We’ve changed site generators. It lets us add features as well as improve the look.

    @Camelian Team in
  5. Going Live!

    Camelian.Systems, a Division of Symas Corporation, is coming on stream

    @Camelian Systems Team in