OpenSource COBOL Expertise

We Speak COBOL!

COBOLworx has eight years of working with Open Source COBOL. As users writing a HIDAM database system and test applications. As GnuCOBOL Contributors. As COBOL for GCC innovators!

We Know Open Source!

COBOLworx is a project (subsidiary) of Symas Corporation. Symas has been in the OpenSource development and technical support business for over 25 years. Close to 100 customers of Symas’s OpenLDAP Technical Support services, know of our excellence and responsiveness.

COBOLworx is an effort to improve and add technologies important to Finance, Banking, Insurance, and other industries with large inventories of COBOL programs. More important; without committed and professional technical support available, few of those firms, institutions, and agencies will consider these new options.

COBOL Compiler Expertise

We are involved in the development, maintenance, and technical support for GnuCOBOL (cobc). We played many roles in getting GnuCOBOL ready for release of 3.2. We continue to participate in the project. A member of the COBOLworx team developed the GnuCOBOL Debugging Extensions (cbl-gdb), a compilation process and customized gdb debugger for source-level debugging of COBOL programs. This is unique in the industry!

OpenSource COBOL Downloads

GnuCOBOL Resources

GnuCOBOL Debugging Extensions Resources

Technical Mailing List

We have set up a mailing list (email) for COBOL for GCC and GnuCOBOL users Click here for the Info Page. For other questions, please email us.